“Travel to earn” – Is it possible to save money while traveling?


Travel to earn money is a form that is gradually gaining popularity as travel agencies are leading to accept payments in cryptocurrencies. Besides that, they also participate in the Blockchain platform, create tokens to grow the company, and open programs that customers can join when choosing their travel company. “Travel to earn” will develop in the […]

Why The Luxury Tourism Industry Is Latching Onto Blockchain Technology?


Blockchain technology will be instrumental in converting popular and niche travel destinations. The is the reason that many luxury tourism players are jumping onto the crypto bandwagon. With the number of global crypto-millionaires increasing to more than 100,000 in 2021, there is a sizeable interest displayed by this ever-growing community in using their crypto gains […]

How Cryptocurrency Is Changing the Travel Industry?


Over the past years, the popularity of cryptocurrencies has been growing at a wild pace – and so has the consumer appetite for more use cases of crypto in travel. There may be a long way to go, but the progress has certainly been promising: Out of the top crypto-friendly industries, travel is number one, a […]

“Travel to earn”: Why Is It Important For The Travel Industry To Adopt Cryptocurrency?


Over the past years, the popularity of cryptocurrencies has been growing at a wild pace – and so has the consumer appetite for more use cases of crypto in travel. There may be a long way to go, but the progress has certainly been promising: Out of the top crypto-friendly industries, travel is number one, a […]

How Travel Bloggers Make Money To Cryptocurrency? Trend “Travel To Earn” in 2022


How Travel Bloggers Make Money To Cryptocurrency? The growth of the internet has opened up a new wave of viable working options in the digital sphere with freelancing becoming more popular for both employees and companies. When we factor in the influence that cryptocurrency can and will have we can see that this trend is […]