Do you need to repair luggages everyday in LuxWorld?

Traveler, Tutorial

Depending on the type and number of your luggages, you will have a specific amount of check-in to spend every day. Now, when you consume that check-in every day, your Luggage will lose its durability. Each Luggage has 100 durability points at maximum. Therefore, you need to repair it, before it loses its earning ability. […]

LuxWorld Guide: How to repair luggage in LuxWorld?

Traveler, Tutorial

As you make check-in in LuxWorld, you may notice that your luggage’s durability may start to decrease. Why is this so, and how can you increase your luggage’s durability? Why need to repair a luggage? It’s also worth talking about wear and tear in LuxWorld, as this parameter directly affects how much tokens are earned. Initially, […]